United crypto card is Already available for all users in EU and UK. With United crypto card, users can use their own currency, UNITED with Live rate in any shop around the world what accepts Mastercard payments.
Simply just add United token on the card and use it as regular bank card. The moment when card is used, the correct amount of UTED will be deducted from the card based on the live market price of UTED/USDT.
United crypto card is Already available for all users in EU and UK. With United crypto card, users can use their own currency, UNITED with Live rate in any shop around the world what accepts Mastercard payments.
Simply just add United token on the card and use it as regular bank card. The moment when card is used, the correct amount of UTED will be deducted from the card based on the live market price of UTED/USDT.
As United card gets more popular, more people top up the card and therefore more people buy United token for using it.
As United token is still a small, then this will have major impact on the price which is again beneficial for all the users who own the token.
In other words, it is possible that when community goes through exponential growth, then currency value will rise and you can buy more things with it.
Many people ask, why we don´t add USDT on the card and use only UTED? The answer is simple, If we would take USDT, then us as a company would make profits and it would be good for us, however community would not win a lot. If we use our own currency what is owned by our own community, then our community will win the most and UNITED GETS STRONGER with every transaction made.
United card has very competitive fees of only 1%, what is not the cheapest in the market, however since fee is automatically paid with UTED, it is like burning 1% in every transaction, what creates more demand on the token. ATM Max Daily is currently 500 EUR, Daily limit 5000 EUR.
Virtual card activation is 15 USD UTED, Physical card 20 USD in UTED.
Since plastic cards will reach the first customers at the end of April 2023, then we will offer reimbursement for anyone who is activating and using the virtual card.
Reimbursements will be added in the plastic card for those people who have:
1.Active KYC
2.Virtual card ordered
3.At least 3 transactions made during the month of April.
Virtual card can be used for plane tickets, Bookings, Uber, Airbnb, Netflix, electricity bills, buying things from Amazon and for many more options what come in your head.

If you are ready to start using crypto in daily basis then:
1.Sign up to www.bitmart.com and buy United token (UTED/USDT currency pair)
2. Sign up at www.unitedcryptocard.com , Finish KYC and Deposit UTED and start using!
NB. When making transaction, then make sure to add MEMO. Otherwise the funds will not arrive on your account.

If you want to be part of the test group who will get free UTED and possibly 10000 USD reward, then check this link here: https://unitedtoken.eu/get-access/